Saturday, January 17, 2015

Brushes! =)

During this meeting we learned  about brushes,Little did i know that we can make our own brush presets using text, images and new brushes and we learned to clip mask the picture using some brushes. 

Here some of the pictures that illustrate how to use the brushes and examples.

how to create a brush

example brushes using text and images

presets brushes using different colors

This taylor swift picture is the one i edited on the Maclab.

After we finish learning about the tools of photoshop, we learned how to enhanced the text. I didn’t expect that in photoshop we can do those things. Using the pen tool we can more enhanced the text like the spaces between the letters that what we called leading and we can wrap the text. Using the custom shape tool we learned that we can put texts on the shapes. And we also learned the differect kinds of logo, What should we have done to create a good logo and things to remember to create a better logo. There are four kinds of logo: Textbased,Emblem/Iconic, Illustrative and the combination of the 3 kinds of logo. And i learned that the logo should be simple, contains one to two colors only and the logo can be converted to black and white color.
My example of  simple typhography using photoshop.

I edit the sentence using the text tool.

I edit the text using the shape tool and pen tool.
I wrapped the texts.

My example of the three logos.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Magic Tools :D

Parts of the photoshop tools

Adobe Photoshop

In just one click it turns to magic. Sounds cool right? Yeah that happen on adobe photoshop, even your photo is old it can be restored with the help of different tools in photoshop, it can beautify a picture and on the other way around it can be ugly. Photoshop features a lot tools to edit photos. There are tools that can clone the picture, select a portion, crop a photo, add texts, add brushes, add background color and etc.I really learned a lot because even though i'm a bit familiar with Photoshop, it really helps that you teach us the basic and some techniques that will hep us to work easily.

I edit a rubber ducky and it really looks ugly.hahaha =)